Welcome to Thailand! Here are the must-visit tourist attractions that you shouldn’t miss. Enjoy shopping, eating, and chillax around Bangkok. You must love this for sure.
• 8.00–10.00 hrs. Morning time is ideal to visit Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha), the biggest and most beautiful temple in Bangkok. Wearing a shirt/ blouse with sleeves and trousers/ long skirts is mandatory in showing respect to the venue.
• 8.00–10.00 趁着早晨阳光不太刺眼,游客不太多,对于来到曼谷的游客们来说,第一站应该去大皇宫,感受曼谷王朝的纯正泰式艺术,神圣玉佛的精美工艺定会让人叹为观止。

• 10.00-12.00 hrs. After the temple, we recommend visiting Jim Thompson Museum. Appreciate the beauty of the Thai-styled teak house, then move to Madame Tussauds Bangkok, at Siam Discovery, Fl. 4. Meet your dream superstars and celebrities, including Tony Ja, and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
• 10.00-12.00 避开酷暑,那就来汤普生博物馆,您将在这里欣赏到泰式木质建筑和优质泰丝之美。接下来是位于暹罗探索Siam Discovery 4楼的杜莎夫人蜡像馆,汇集世界名人的蜡像,包括托尼·贾和各国领导人的蜡像。

• 12.00-14.00 hrs. Enjoy your lunch at Siam Center, Fl. 2. There are a variety of foodie choices, like Baan Ying Café, Thai teens’ favorite Thai restaurant; Audrey Café serving Thai, Western, and Fusion menus like Tom Yum Koong Baby Pizza, or Yenly Yours’ signature Mango Smoothie.
• 12.00-14.00 中午,邀请大家到暹罗中心Siam Center 2 楼的多家餐厅享用午餐,包括:深受泰国年轻人喜爱的Baan Ying Cafe;供应泰式料理、西餐和无国界料理的 Audrey Café,比如:冬阴功披萨; Yenly Yours提供芒果冰沙等消暑冷饮。应有尽有供您挑选。

• 14.00–16.00 hrs. During the afternoon, let’s get relaxed at SEA LIFE Bangkok, Siam Paragon, B1, listed in the Top 8 Tourist Destinations of Chinese web search.
• 14.00–16.00 躲避下午的烈日,来到暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon B1楼的暹罗海洋世界,位列中国游客最想去的旅游目的地第8位。

• 16.00-18.00 hrs. Last but not least, don’t miss shopping at Siam Paragon! Siam Paragon is an all-time-favorite and top-of-mind shopping destination for Chinese tourists, receiving world-class awards, such as Tripadvisor Traveler Choice 2022, and Best Luxury Shopping Mall 2022.
• 16.00-18.00 最后这项活动不可错过,那就是在暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon购物!虽然从大众视野里消失了一段时间,但暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon仍然是中国游客心目中位列前茅购物目的地,它所荣获的众多奖项足以证明这一实力,比如:2022猫途鹰‘旅行者之选’和Best Luxury Shopping Mall 2022.

• Besides, there are many more facilities provided for Chinese tourists at Tourist Service Center, Siam Paragon, G Fl., as well as Tourist Cards with 5-30% Discounts at participating stores, foreign language interpreters*, and Personal Shopper Service** ready to recommend shops and products for you.
• 除此之外,还在暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon G楼的游客服务中心为中国游客准备了多种便捷服务,包括可在部分商家享受5-30% 折扣的国际游客优惠卡,外语翻译*,个人导购服务**帮助您挑选所需商品。

• More facilities include Lock Box Plus+, self-storage available at Siam Paragon, G Floor, near Bangkok Bank exit; Mobile Charging Kiosk, or Luggage Delivery Service to Suvanabhumi Airport available at Siam Paragon, G Floor, in front of South Elevator; and 7 Money Exchange Counters available.
• 其他多项服务,包括:在暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon G楼靠近曼谷银行的区域提供Lock Box Plus++行李寄存自助服务,手机充电服务,在暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon G楼南侧电梯附近提供寄送行李至素万那普国际机场的服务,世界级换汇商家提供的7个换汇点服务。

• ONESIAM is located in downtown Bangkok and is easy to access by BTS sky train. No worries about heat or rain.
• ONESIAM暹罗商圈位于市中心,连接轻轨,不用担心迷路和堵车的问题,交通便捷舒适。
• The most important is that we offer VIZ Membership with various privileges. The payment is applied with Alipay, WeChat Pay, UnionPay, Mastercard, and VISA.
• 最重要的是,国际游客优惠卡系统为您提供多项特别服务,支持各种支付方式,包括支付宝,微信支付,银联支付,万事达卡和维萨卡。
*Foreign language interpreter, pre-booking is required. Available in Chinese, English, and Spanish. Open daily, 10.00-22.00hrs. at Siam Paragon, G Floor, Tourist Ambassador Counter, Stardome (near Bangkok Bank)
**Personal Shopper Service, reserved for Siam Kempinski Hotel guests and VIZ Black Cardholders, or any customers spending 300,000THB or more, who are nominated by participating hotels ONLY.
*外语服务须提前预定,提供中文、英文和西班牙文翻译,服务时间:10.00-22.00,服务地点:暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon G楼游客接待中心Stardome区域(靠近曼谷银行)
**个人导购服务,仅限曼谷暹罗凯宾斯基酒店的顾客和VIZ Black会员卡顾客,以及经过制定酒店筛选的消费满300,000泰铢的顾客。